We’re Highly Commended in the Law Society Excellence Awards 2021

We have been Highly Commended in the Excellence in Access to Justice Award in the Law Society Awards 2021.
The judges were particularly impressed that we continued to offer legal advice throughout the pandemic and for the breadth of work done for clients, many of whom are extremely vulnerable. They also commended our new website with its bespoke triage forms that ensure people are quickly directed to the help they need:
Patrick Marples, CEO of South West London Law Centres, said:
“We are absolutely delighted to have been highly commended by the Law Society for our work. Access to the full spectrum of social welfare law is really important to unlocking people’s lives, but the cuts to legal aid in recent years have made it more and more challenging for people to get the justice they need. Being highly commended for our work in enabling access to justice is a recognition of the commitment and dedication of our staff and volunteers to help members of our community to understand, defend and enforce their rights.”
A large number of pro bono lawyers and volunteers work alongside our caseworkers, solicitors and support team and together we help thousands of people each year from across south-west London and into parts of Surrey.