Plans to scrap privacy laws
Open Rights Group held a briefing meeting this week on data discrimination highlighting Government plans to scrap GDPR privacy laws will unleash data discrimination against workers, children, students and more – and what you can do about it.
Carole Cadwalladr is a British author, features writer and investigative journalist responsible for exposing the Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal.
Ravi Naik was Law Society’s 2018 – 2019 Human Rights Lawyer of the Year. Naik is a multi-award winning solicitor, with a pioneering practice at the forefront of data rights and technology.
James Farrar is the Founder & Director of Worker Info Exchange. Together with Yaseen Aslam, he is the lead claimant in the landmark worker rights case against Uber recently decided in favour of workers by the UK Supreme Court.
Sahdya Darr leads on Open Rights Group’s work in relation to immigration policy. This involves looking at the use and impact of technology and data sharing in the development and implementation of immigration policy.
Mariano Delli Santi is Open Rights Group’s legal and policy officer. He works on promoting privacy in the online advertising sector, and supports ORG strategic litigation and political advocacy efforts.
The session was extremely eye opening as I:
a) Didn’t know about the consultation
b) Didn’t know the positives of GDPR
c) Didn’t know the abuses of digital surveillance
d) Didn’t know about the use of technology in making decisions
If you were not aware of the consultation I suggest you watch the above broadcast.
Open Democracy Group have produced the below guidance to help you in responding to the consultation: and are offering assistance
in writing responses should you wish to discuss it with a member of the Open Rights Group team at:
Sahdya Darr – Immigration Policy
Mariano Delli Santi – Legal and Policy