Talk Money Week 2021

Talk Money Week runs from 8 to 12 November and is an annual opportunity to get people talking about all aspects of money such as debt, budgeting, sorting out finances, savings and pensions. Talk Money Week is there because it is a well-known fact that people find talking about money difficult. In a 2019 survey of the things that people find it hard to talk about, personal finances was the top taboo at 50% of people.

There are lots of local events taking place across the country that you can attend to help you talk about money. In conjunction with Croydon Council, we are taking part in a Talk Money event at the Whitgift Centre in Croydon on Thursday 11 and Friday 12 November from 10:30am to 4pm. You will be able to talk to members from our money advice, crisis navigation and housing teams as well as representatives from Stop Loan Sharks, Croydon Council and Croydon Credit Union.

You can also search for online events using the #TalkMoney and find out about talks on pensions and budgeting etc.  We also have our regular money webinars which are live so you can ask any questions you have during them. 

Finally, we would advise anyone who is feeling they are not in control of their finances to look at getting on a free financial capability course.

To contact our money advice team, fill in our online advice checker, email or call 020 8667 9252.