Party invite 24th August 2024 – available outdoor space should be made accessible to residents in cramped temporary accommodation.
Some of Croydon’s temporary accommodation blocks have outdoor space but residents aren’t allowed to use it. Imagine that in the summer heat!
The Croydon Temporary Accommodation Campaign wrote to Croydon Council at the end of 2023 highlighting some of the issues experienced in temporary accommodation blocks of Gilroy Court, Concord House and Windsor House.
The letter resulted in bidding numbers being allocated to families and single households who had wrongly been waiting for a housing bidding numbers for years. We are still waiting for residents to have access to any outdoor and play space despite the council accepting the “difficulties families may have in finding appropriate play space for their young children” and promising they “will work with residents to see if this situation can be improved.” We’ve seen no visible progress of this.
We call on Gilroy Court and others to open up fenced off green spaces so residents can benefit from much needed outdoor space!
Support the call by joining us for a party on the 24th August 2024, 12noon – 2pm at South Norwood Community Kitchen (44b Portland Road, South Norwood, SE25 4PQ)